What happened in 2002?
No new books were published in 2002 (Rowling was still writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix); however Warner Brothers' release of the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" movie was big news.

Rating 2002 Title & highlights* Links Type
* Mar 8 Rowling stops Potter radio readings
BBC News

text report
** Apr 15 Give loans to the poor, says Rowling
The Telegraph
text report
** May 21 UK Author's owl speeds transplant girl's recovery
The Scotsman

text report
** May 26 Sarah Brown and JK Rowling: why we want you to help single parents: Chancellor's wife and Harry Potter writer reveal reasons they back charity
Sunday Herald
text Rowling statement
*** June JK Rowling on her Days of Poverty
The Mirror
text Rowling statement
*** June 9 A kind of magic
The Daily Telegraph
text Rowling statement
June Foreword to Magic: New Stories
Bloomsbury Press
text Rowling statement
*** Sep 19 Newsround talks exclusively to J.K. Rowling
CBBC Newsround
text interview
**** Oct 3 The Magic Behind Harry Potter
Sixty Minutes (CBS News)

  • When JKR choses names she knows the sound she is after.
  • Mosag (Aragog's wife) is a Gaelic epithet meaning "dirty female or filthy."
  • JKR's planning charts for each book list the month, the chapter title and what has to happen
(alternate, re-edited version with video below)
**** Oct 3 The Magic Behind Harry Potter
Sixty Minutes (CBS News)

  • Mosag (Aragog's wife) is a Gaelic epithet meaning "dirty female or filthy."
  • Jo shows books she used for research: Fortune Telling By Cards, and Culpeper's Complete Herbal.
(heavily re-edited version of interview listed above)
** Oct 21 There will NOT be an eighth Potter Book
CBBC Newsround Online

text report
Movie version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets released November 15, 2002
**** Nov Harry Potter - Harry and me
The Scotsman
  • The name ‘Gilderoy' came from Brewers' Dictionary of Phase and Fable – he was a handsome Scottish highwayman. Lockhart came from a First World War memorial.
text interview
** Nov Trick & Treat: J.K. Rowling turns Stirling Castle into Hogwarts for Halloween fundraiser
The Sunday Mail (UK)
text report
***** Nov 13 Harry Potter and Me
A&E Biography (U.S.)
text interview
**** Nov 13 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Audio Interview: J.K. Rowling
IGN.com (Filmforce)
  • JKR: "Key things happen in book two [...] no one knows how important those things are... yet. There's a lot in there... and I know how difficult it was to get it all in there without drawing too much attention to the clues." "All the important stuff [from book 2] got into the film."
audio: mp3

audio: quicktime
*** Dec Rowling finds a meaning in fame

text interview
*** Dec 22 Famous author corresponds with ailing child
Albany Times Union

text report
Rating 2002 Title & highlights* Links Type

*Article highlights created by Deborah Skinner (aka 'Madam Scoop') and Lisa Bunker

Original page date 21 September 2006; last updated 22 April, 2007

If you know of additional articles, please contact us