Lifelong friends Ted O’Gorman and Michael Paul Smith read their comedy sketches into microphones. Oh...and that's where their talented friends come in.
Ted & Michael Read Sketches Into Microphones
January 18, 2022
A new product satisfies a child’s craving for frosting with some kick!
Method actor Christopher Walken finds himself in the belly of a whale.
Ted and Michael attempt a phone writing session.
The singing bully is in the cafeteria!
V.O.: Ted O’Gorman
Mom: Gillian Pensavalle
Kid: Eddy Lee
Candice: Aneesa Folds
“Walken and the Whale”
V.O.: Ted O’Gorman
“Phone Meeting”
Ted O’Gorman
Michael Smith
Carol: Gillian Pensavalle
“Singing Bully 2:
V.O.: Gillian Pensavalle
Desmond: Ted O’Gorman
Harry: Michael Smith
Carter: Mike O’Gorman
This show was produced by Jenson Neal, Gillian Pensavalle, Michael Smith, and Mischief Media. It was edited and sound engineered by Audio Muses.
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