Lifelong friends Ted O’Gorman and Michael Paul Smith read their comedy sketches into microphones. Oh...and that's where their talented friends come in.
Ted & Michael Read Sketches Into Microphones
February 1, 2022
Quint from the movie “Jaws” does the narration from “A Christmas Story.”
Ted, Michael, and Gillian discuss what charities to donate to.
Ted, Michael, and Gillian play a new game called “What’s In A Sip?”
“Things You Should Never Ever Say on a First Date…or Probably Ever” is back!
“Quint Does Ralphie: 1”
Quint: Ted O’Gorman
“Charity Conversation”
Ted O’Gorman, Michael Smith, Gillian Pensavalle
“Quint Does Ralphie: 2”
Quint: Ted O’Gorman
“What’s in a Sip”
Ted O’Gorman, Michael Smith, Gillian Pensavalle
“Quint Does Ralphie: 3”
Quint: Ted O’Gorman
“Things You Should Never Say: 4”
V.O./Woman: Gillian Pensavalle, Janice McIntyre
Guy: Ted O’Gorman, Nik Walker
Man: Michael Smith, C. Julian Jimenez
Guy 1: James Monroe Iglehart, Eddy Lee
Woman 1: Aneesa Folds, April Sickler
Prepper: Patrick McCartney
Crotch Woman: Hallie O’Gorman
This show was produced by Jenson Neal, Gillian Pensavalle, Michael Smith, and Mischief Media. It was edited and sound engineered by Audio Muses.
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Ted and Michael Read Sketches Into Microphones is a member of the Mischief Media network.
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